Political Carnival: Glenn Beck backs out as San Antonio Tea Party keynote speaker

Oh noes! Notorious loon Glenn Beck will not be speaking at the San Antonio Tea Party after all. Says he’ll be a distraction. Because this is serious business, this teabagging.

Thanks to Political Carnival for the heads up.


  1. So is the $500 a plate dinner still on or do I need to bring a sandwich?

  2. I wouldn’t. Your mouth will probably be full, anyway.

  3. Teabagging is srs bidness. Srsly, Glenn. Glenn, srsly.

  4. Thanks for linking over!

    What a joke this guy is. He doesn’t need a comedy tour. He IS one.

  5. WHAT IS …(sorry caps on)
    What is it with the rightwing and their bipolar drug addict/alcoholics like Beck & Jabba? I guess you gotta be someone else or on something to spout off that grade A bullshit.

  6. No sandwiches….just bring peeps…..yellow ones, pink ones or blue (shudder)…

    Your lord and savior,

    Lego Jesus

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